Warren Ellis's new Whitechapel fan art project is for a David Lynch's Spider-Man poster. NINETEEN YEARS AGO such a film was my dream movie. So I drew this. Remember, this is NINETEEN YEARS OLD.
Madame Brijit is a character from my upcoming comic book. She's based on a "real" voudou (voodoo) goddess, Maman Brijit. This image was created to sell at 2009's Denver Comicfest and was based on a friend, who actually dressed up in the costume to be "booth babe" and garner attention for my table.
Warren Ellis, on his FreakAngels website, put forth a call for fans to design the final regeneration of Doctor Who. This is mine. To see more entries,go here
Is the guy who designed the poster for The Social Network --the "Facebook Movie"--making a statement about creepy men who meet women off of social networking sites?